
Beige Limestone For Hotel Wall Cladding Project

 Beige Limestone For Hotel Wall Cladding Project 

Beige Limestone always one of the most popular stone material for construction site. Prices valuble , Color simple and hard enough . The water absorptivity not high . 

But it is the first time for us as one of supplier to get beige limestone hotel project. The final projects looks Natural stone's ageless beauty is highlighted with brushed finish tiles, giving the surface of the tile a textured look.

if interested in it , welcome to contact me . :)

With Best Regards! / 顺祝商祺!

Melanie Linn
Xiamen Dalei Stone Co.ltd
M.+86-13459204797   Emelanie@daleistone.com
Head Office:
6th Floor,Gold Green Plaza,No.611,Sishui Street,Huli District,Xiamen,China.

Keep Improving Construction Quality, Make Life Existing Better!
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